Saturday, April 2, 2011

our anniversarry :)

31st march

this is our cupcakes...
she's made it for me (not really made it just ordered from smone lah kan)hehe
tgh malam she asked me to come to her house n she made a sprise..
quite shock jgk lah kan..
1st time seseorng gave it to me...:))
so agak batak jgk lah kan..
slalu tgk org lain je yg dpt but now i experience it myself :p
those cupcakes really show the journey of our relation..

green is obviously my favorite color..
sms..kitrng msg2...act like a bestfriend..
31st of march is our anniversarry...
at 11.30pm at that day we are officially coupled..cehhh :p
rugby is my passion that is why ada bola rugby kat situ...
facebook adalah titik permulaan bg segala2 nya :)
n note music tu die ckp psal ak penah nynykan die lagu..hehe
malu...*blushing jap ;)

hubungan ktrng bkn smpai dkt sini sahajaa..
ada masa yg pnjg lg tuk ktrg..
nk ada anak,rumah n evrythg brsama...:))
so doakn lah hubungan ktrg smpai ke akhir hayat...