Saturday, April 2, 2011

our anniversarry :)

31st march

this is our cupcakes...
she's made it for me (not really made it just ordered from smone lah kan)hehe
tgh malam she asked me to come to her house n she made a sprise..
quite shock jgk lah kan..
1st time seseorng gave it to me...:))
so agak batak jgk lah kan..
slalu tgk org lain je yg dpt but now i experience it myself :p
those cupcakes really show the journey of our relation..

green is obviously my favorite color..
sms..kitrng msg2...act like a bestfriend..
31st of march is our anniversarry...
at 11.30pm at that day we are officially coupled..cehhh :p
rugby is my passion that is why ada bola rugby kat situ...
facebook adalah titik permulaan bg segala2 nya :)
n note music tu die ckp psal ak penah nynykan die lagu..hehe
malu...*blushing jap ;)

hubungan ktrng bkn smpai dkt sini sahajaa..
ada masa yg pnjg lg tuk ktrg..
nk ada anak,rumah n evrythg brsama...:))
so doakn lah hubungan ktrg smpai ke akhir hayat...

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

a day with her :))

here some of my picture's me and her..
we had so muchh funn together..

 is'nt she so beautiful with her smile..

ak yg xpnh nk strike or even a spare!!
bnggang btul tp happy for her..
she's so great!! first attempt skating..
hancur's..cipta rekod 2 kali tgolek..buat malu je...

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


what goes around comes around..
kenapa kadang2 tu kita selalu sedar akan kesalahan org laen..
tp kesalahan  kita sndiri kita xpenah nk sedar2..
hidup kita mcm mmg ditakdirkn supaya cari kesalahan org laen..
then later on kesalahan org laen tu kita sndr lakukan..
tp apa yg kita buat kita akn rasa betul sahaja..
xkira apa pun kan kan..

ini kisah nye..
dlm stiap prhubungan mst ada je perasan jeles lah ,terasa merasa lah n apa2 lah..
ada baik dan buruk nye smua tu..
for example lah kan..
jeles??adakah ianya satu tindakan or tabiat yg teruk??
kalau lah dlm prhubungan xde bnde jeles ni konfem jd mcm tggul kayu..
bygkn kalau tggul kayu tu brcinta sesame tnggul kayu..
xke dua2 mcm kayu...(mksd ak dua2 buat hal sndri..mcm xde perasaan)
dari apa yg ak tau lah kan..
cinta is smthng that u should experience it on ur own..
u need ur own way to handle the situations.
not evryone learn from others rite..
what i trying to say is..
jeles is not smthing u should put aside...
it is smthng that u need to tke seriously because it is about feelings
when u're jealous u are actually proves to ur mate that u are really in love with him or her.
u cannot see ur mate with another person even the person is smone who are closed to u..
bygkn kalau dlm p'hubungan tu msng xde perasaan jeles lnsg..
konfem hbgn tu rasa mcm xde pape je..xde feel org kate..

ak akui yg ak mmg kuat jeles..
even bnde kecik pun ak akn jeles bila gf ak dgn org lain..
ak pun xtau knpa ak kuat jeles..
myb sbb ak xpnah rasa btul2 b'cinta..
ni 1st time yg ak rasa btul2 disayangi dan dicintai..
dlu ak selalu gelakkn mmbe ak kalau dorg jeles dgn awek dorg..
ak slalu ckp,kalau dorg jeles dgn awek dorng so y not buat awek dorg jeles balik..
n ak rasa berkat ak ckp mcm tu..
ak kena blk skng ni...
ak slalu jeles dgn gf ak sbb ada kwan llaki..
xsalah pun sbnr nye..
even ak pun ada kawn prmpuan..
tp tulah kalau dh llki yg jenis kuat jeles apa pun boleh jd issue..
tp ak ni bkn jenis yg suka besar2 kan mslh..
kalau boleh smua mslh ak dlm hidup ni ak nk kecik kan..
sbb tu stiap kali ak jeles dgn gf ak..
ak akn fikir blik..

ak akn fkir blk ,ak akn fikir apa yg gf ak buat tu ak penah buat x??
n majoriti ak rasa ak pnah buat jgk apa yg die buat...
sbgi contoh lah kan..
die cmmnt dkt fb dgn llki laen..
n ak pun ada jgk lgi bnyk kott...
die kluar dgn kwan2 llki die.
ak pun penah je..
tp apa salah die sbnr nye..????
ak rasa xde satu pun salah die......
n apa yg ak discover is my jealousy!!!!
tu lah punce segala2 nye....

nk dijdikn cite..
ak selalu jeles dgn die..sllu jdkn sorng ni sbg punce jeles..
tp tu lah..bkn salah die pun...
nsb baek ak jenis yg cpt brtindak mcm POWER RANGERS!!!
so sekjap je akn oke..
kita jgn cepat mngaku kalah n cepat b'puas hati..
kita kne sllu mngalah kalau nk bjaya dlm relationship..
xsalah kan...bnde smua untk kebaikan..
jgn jd ego...buang ego tu jauh2...
ego punce keretakan...

im so sorry to sabrina azman..
i knw i;ve done wrong..
i knw that u felt like been betrayed by me..
i knw its kinda hard to hear her name..
i just want u to knw even all this happen i still loving you with all my heart..
i knw that i always used the same word to described how much i love you..
but that is the suitble and the best and that really show what i feel..
my heart only for u..
she's just a friend to me...nothing more..

im so in love with you sabrina azman!!
i love you so muchhh....

Friday, January 7, 2011

1st week :p

first week of my semester 6!

its start like a shit...
otw blk melaka menaiki motor..
1st time bwk moto blk melaka bandar bsejarah..
nk tmbh kan sejarah lgi dimana ak lupa nk isi mnyk..
n i end up dgn minyak habis n hampir2 tersadai dkt brisu!ahaha
nsb baek dgn kecekalan hati akhir nye dpt mntk tlg sorg pkcik ni..
snggh baek pkcik ni..:)
tnpe die..ak kan stuck dkt situ untk mase yg lame...
hahhahaaa...thnks to tht pkcik..

n then smpai di umah sewa...
umah kemas tp kitrg trpakse mandi mnggunakn air dri sinki dapur..
gara2 air tangki rosak..haha
tp ada jgk lah sehari tu xmandi...sbb xde klas or myb ponteng kott time tu..haha

1st klas tuk dis week ak dh ponteng..
kenapa?sbb ak segan n rasa malas sgt..
klas 8.30 pg n hnye ada satu je klas tuk dat day..
mmg brtambah malas gila lah ak nk gi..haha

mood ak di klas tuk dis week agak ceria..
sbb xfokus lnsg pun dkt lecturer ak dkt dpn..
yg jd mangsa mmber dkt sblah..
ada sekali kantoi dgn lectrr..
kantoi sibuk borak dgn org sblah,,,
last2 kna pnggl dduk dpn n bcakap...
mmg nervous lah ak..haha

n dis week jgk ak dpt lepas rindu..
rindu dkt gadis jelita idaman hati saya..
dh sebulan lebih xjmpe..
dh mcm apa dah ak ni...
mcm org gila pun ada..
gila meaning ak angau lah..
bkn gila mcm org btul2 gila..
kalau btul2 gila dia pun xnk ak dh...haha

sabrina azman i love you so muchh <3

Saturday, January 1, 2011


lately bahu ak makin teruk..
senang sangat tekeluar..
ak dh mcm nk cabut je bahu ak ni..
serius sakit gila...
nk operate ak takut nk hadap mak ak nk gtau..
kang die bising psal ak maen rgby..
tp nk buat mcm mane...
kalau ak xmaen rgby ape je yg ak boleh buat dgn hidup ak!

bahu oh bahu..
ak sayang kau tp kenapa kau layan ak mcm ni..
ak xkisah kau nk sakit tp jgn lah selalu..
ni x time ak tgh rileks2 tiba kau bole terkeluar..
sakit tu jgn ckp lah!
kau bayang bila bahu lari dri position yg sbnr..
dgr mcm alah biase je tu..
tp kalau dh rasa sndri bru kau tau!
benci ah mcm ni..
ak nk buat maen rgby lg..
tgk lah wahai rgby ku..
ada rezeki ak maen lg k...hehe

Friday, December 31, 2010

end of 2010!

lots of things happened in the year 2010..
it starts with a bit of sadness where my opah passed away!
it kinda sad bcause she's the only grandparent left..
n time tu jgk first time ak balik uitm lmbt!haha
on monday ak br balik n xgi klas lnsg..hehe

rugby oh rugby!
ak nk nyelit psal rgby jgk dimana saya telah banyak menyertai tournmt untk tahun ni shaja!
xpenah ak masuk lebih dr dua tournmnt tuk sthun, ni smpai 5 kalau xsilap..
bahu ak pun dh expired tuk 2010 ni hah..!haha
tp best dpt bnyk pengalamn..
xtau lah ak suka maen rgby tp kdg2 ak mls jgk...malas sbb kne trainng!
ak dh lah pemalas bila suh trun trainng..
nk kate liat turun xde lah tp bila sapa2 suh ak buat smthng ak rasa mcm nk terajang je!
xkira lah coach ke captain ke!
time ak rasa dorng ni xtau ke yg ak penat!mcm sial je
tp the moral of the story ,smua tu tuk ak jgk..
tuk cr fitness..oleh kerana keengkaran ak time maen pergh!pancit siot... ohh rugby..!

bnde lain yg trjadi yg paling ak suka sekali n buat ak happy je all the time is....
jmpe si dia! si dia buah hati daku...
31 march!
tarikh yg ak xkn lupa..
tarikh ak couple dgn sabrina azman :)
hehe..dah lah tgh rindu die ni! :p
die si cantik...
time mula mula couple ak xtau lah knapa ak segan sgt dgn die..
time 1st dating dgn die dkt melaka...
ak boleh b'peluh non stop..dah mcm hujan je!
ak dah maki2 dlm hati!(kenapa lah kau xmau stop wahai peluh!)
tp xpe bnde tu xbuat ak kne reject..ak dh risau je kne reject gara2 ke"panik"an ak tu..
n msih ngat lg 1st kuar mkn dgn die..
haha..ak dh kelam kabut..pnye lah control macho :p
time mkn tnye2 skit je psl bckground si die..
tp more tu bnyi cengkerik (senyaaaaaap je)haha
tp best lah ,bnde2 1st ni buat ak lebih yakin ntuk move on our relation :)
kalau sapa yg knl ak mmg tau lah ak dgn prmpuan yg ak xknl jmpe 1st time..
knfem nervous nk mampus the peluh xmau stop!
apa pnye perangai ak dpt ni!haha
later on our relation smkin happy je..
even masing slalu terasa n salah faham..
tp mst dpt settle jgk akhir nye..
petua nye mst kena otp kalau x xmau!

bnyk lg memori 2010 ak tp busy n malas nk tulis bnyk2..haha
tp xpe harap2 dgn kdtgn 2011 hidup ku akn lebih brmakna :)

Monday, December 27, 2010

long lost song!

marty casey - trees

I don't wanna go through this life
Without you by my side

And I got it all worked out
In my head here's how it's got to be

It'll be you and me
Up in the trees
And the forest will give us the answer
It'll be you and I
Up in the sky
It's a combination for disaster

We, we make believe
In a world we rule together
We can build our dreams
With a knot tied tight to last forever

It'll be you and me
Up in the trees
And the forest will give us the answer
It'll be you and I
Up in the sky
It's a combination for disaster

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah yeah, yeah
We got one shot
So let's use our imaginations
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah yeah, yeah
You're all that I got
So where do we go from here

It'll be you and me
Up in the trees
And the forest will give us the answer
It'll be you and I
Up in the sky
It's a combination for disaster

I know there's more for us in this life
If we hold on, if we hold strong
I know there's more for us in this life
Can we hold on, can we hold on

hahhaa...i can't believe it..
i've been searching for this song for year's..
it's my destiny to found this song..
i never knew the the singer was n the title of the song..
that's why it make me hard to find it..
but just now..
it just miracle...haha

sbnr nye td google jap then taruk lah lyric yg ak hafal dr dlu..
xsngke plak kuar..
hahahaa :p
hebat kan aku 

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

my dream car :p

mini cooper

hahahaha...this is one of my dream car you know..
yeah..i know its a little tooo smaaaaall for me..
but nothing can stop someone feelings right..
once i saw this car i always dream on how cool it will be if i drive this car...
haha....but mybe it is too smaall for me..
i probably looks like a giant in a car..
n my head also will get out of the car..
can u imagine that...
"dream as long as you can"
"may be one day the dream will come true"


i didnt said that i like this car and i didnt said that i hate this car..
the reason why i put this car as my dream car...
is because of her :)
this is the car that she always admire to..
when she like something..
it'll be mine as well..
yeah...people will usually said that "a women with hummer??"
are u insane...its not suitable at all..
but as i said before...
there is nothing impossible to have a dream..
and dreaming of having hummer as your own car..
even though you are a women..
is no mistake at all..
people can have a dream like what they want..
and there is no a limit at all..
even your dream is to be a prime minister..haha
i guess if u keep a dream and work on it..
the dream will be into reality..
i believe in it..

p/s: sayang, i will keep my promise :)
i'll try my best to get what you've dream of..

Thursday, December 16, 2010

mine full of green color...:p

yeah..i do love green for sure..
it makes me calm n feel happy..
i start to like this color when i was in standard 1..
back in primary school lah..
everyone is divided into a group for the sports day..
yeah for sure i was in green lah kan..
so frm tht moment i felt in love with green color..
before tht i thnk i used to like blue color..
but since the moment  i was in "green"..
i never look back..haha
green will be my favorite color at anytime..

the best ever :)


yeah!..i really love this manga..
the story makes me wanna be a pirate so badly lah...
the captain of the pirate spirit really great, never despair..
LUFFY i really adore u..haha